Text courtesy of Catholic Software which produces a Douay Bible program on CD-ROM that features a fully searchable Douay-Reims Bible, footnotes, Latin text and dictionary, topical index, maps, Biblical art gallery, and other features. Additional production assistance has been provided by Dennis McCarthy , John Meyer and TAN Books . This on-line version compliments of Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Picayune, Mississippi

THE HOLY BIBLE: Translated from the Latin Vulgate

Deligently Compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and Other Editions in Drivers Languages

We hereby approve of the publication by Messrs. John Murphy Co. of the Catholic Bible, which is an accurate reprint of the Rheims and Douay edition with Dr. Challoner's Notes.
Baltimore, Sept.1, 1899.


First Published By The English College at Douay, A.D. 1609 & 1610

  • Book of Genesis
  • Book Of Exodus
  • Book Of Leviticus
  • Book Of Numbers
  • Book Of Deuteronomy
  • Book Of Josue
  • Book Of Judges
  • Book Of Ruth
  • First Book of Samuel
    (1 Kings)
  • Second Book Of Samuel
    (2 Kings)
  • Third Book of Kings
    (3 Kings)
  • Fourth Book Of Kings
    (4 Kings)
  • First Book Of
  • Second Book Of
  • First Book Of Esdras
  • Book Of Nehemiah
    (2 Esdras)
  • Book Of Tobias
  • Book Of Judith
  • Book Of Esther
  • Book Of Job
  • Book Of Psalms
  • Book Of Proverbs
  • Ecclesiastes
  • Solomon's Canticle
    Of Canticles
  • Book Of Wisdom
  • Ecclesiasticus
  • Prophecy Of Isaias
  • Prophecy Of Jeremias
  • Lamentations Of
  • Prophecy Of Baruch
  • Prophecy Of Ezechiel
  • Prophecy Of Daniel
  • Prophecy Of Osee
  • Prophecy Of Joel
  • Prophecy Of Amos
  • Prophecy Of Abdias
  • Prophecy Of Jonas
  • Prophecy Of Micheas
  • Prophecy Of Nahum
  • Prophecy Of Habacuc
  • Prophecy Of Sophonias
  • Prophecy Of Aggeus
  • Prophecy of Zacharias
  • Prophecy Of Malachias
  • First Book Of Machabees
  • Second Book Of


    First Published By The English College At Rheims, A.D. 1582

  • Gospel According to
    St. Matthew
  • Gospel According To
    St. Mark
  • Gospel According To
    St. Luke
  • Gospel According To
    St. John
  • Acts Of The Apostles
  • Epistle Of St. Paul
    To The Romans
  • First Epistle Of St. Paul
    To The Corrinthians
  • Second Epistle Of St. Paul
    To The Corrinthians
  • Epistle Of St. Paul
    To The Galatians
  • Epistle Of St. Paul
    To The Ephesians
  • Epistle Of St. Paul
    To The Philippians
  • Epistle Of St. Paul
    To The Colossians
  • First Epistle Of St. Paul
    To The Thessalonians
  • Second Epistle Of St. Paul
    To The Thessalonians
  • First Epistle Of St. Paul
    To Timothy
  • Second Epistle Of St. Paul
    To Timothy
  • Epistle Of St. Paul
    To Titus
  • Epistle Of St. Paul
    To Philemon
  • Epistle Of St. Paul
    To The Hebrews
  • Catholic Epistle Of
    St. James The Apostle
  • First Epistle Of
    St. Peter The Apostle
  • Second Epistle Of
    St. Peter The Apostle
  • First Epistle Of
    St. John The Apostle
  • Second Epistle Of
    St. John The Apostle
  • Third Epistle Of
    St. John The Apostle
  • Catholic Epistle of
    St. Jude The Apostle
  • Apocalypse Of
    St. John The Apostle
  • Empty Space


    Protocanonical (protos meaning "first") is a conventional word denoting those sacred writings which have been always received by Christendom without dispute. The Protocanonical books of the Old Testament correspond with those of the Bible of the Hebrews, and the Old Testament as received by Protestants. The deuterocanonical (deuteros meaning "second") are those whose Scriptural character was contested in some quarters, but which long ago gained a secure footing in the Bible of the Catholic Church, though those of the Old Testament are classed by Protestants as the "Apocrypha".

  • The First Book Of Esdras (Third Book Of Ezra)
  • The Second Book Of Esdras (Fourth Book Of Ezra)
  • The Greek Additions To Esther
  • The First Book Of The Maccabees
  • The Second Book Of The Maccabees
  • The Book Of Tobit
  • The Book Of Judith
  • The Wisdom Of Solomon
  • The Book Of Sirach (Eccliasticus)
  • The Book Of Baruch
  • The Epistle (Letter) Of Jeremiah
  • The Book of Susanna (in Daniel)
  • The Prayer Of Azariah
  • The Prayer Of Manasseh
  • Bel And The Dragon (in Daniel)

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