but may I believe more firmly.
I hope, but I hope more securely.
I love, but may I love more ardently.
I grieve, but may I grieve more deeply.

I adore You as my first beginning.
I aspire after You as my last end.
I praise You as my perpetual benefactor.
I invoke You as my merciful protector.

Direct me by Your wisdom.
Keep me in Your grace.
Console me with Your mercy.
Protect me with Your power.

I offer You, O Lord,
my thoughts, that they may be about You;
my words, that they may be spoken
for Your glory;
my actions, that they may accord with
Your will;
my sufferings, that they may be
accepted for Your sake.

I desire whatever You desire,
I desire it because You desire it.
I desire it insofar as You desire it.
I desire it for as long as you desire it.

I pray, O Lord,
That You will enlighten my mind,
inflame my will,
cleanse my heart,
and sanctify my soul.

May I repent of past sins,
repel future temptations,
correct wicked tendencies,
and cultivate virtuous ideals.

Good Lord, grant that I may love You,
renounce myself,
do good to my neighbor,
and be detached toward the world.

May I strive to obey my superiors,
support my inferiors,
aid my friends,
and spare my enemies.

Help me to overcome self denial,
avarice by liberality,
anger by meekness,
and tepidity by devotion.

Make me prudent in counsel,
steadfast in danger,
patient in adversity,
and humble in prosperity.

Grant Lord that I maybe attentive at prayer,
temperate at meals,
deligent at work,
and constant in resolutions.

Let my conscience be upright,
my outward appearance be modest,
my conversation be edifying,
and my whole life be ordered.

Help me to labor to overcome nature,
to cooperate with Your grace,
to keep Your commandments,
and to further my salvation.

Teach me the futility of earthly things,
the greatness of divine things,
the shortness of temporal things,
and the length of eternal things.

Grant that I may be prepared for death,
fear of judgement,
avoid hell,
and obtain paradise-
through Christ our Lord.

~ Pope Clement XI (1649-1721) ~


The Peace Of God

Which Surpasses



Guard Your

Hearts And Minds



~ St. Paul ~