Mondays And Thursdays

The Annunciation

MEDITATION: Told that she is to be the Mother of God, Mary asks the angel, "How can this be done?" She thinks first of her vow of virginity. Let us ask Our Lady as we say the first decade of the joyful mysteries for an appreciation of the importance or purity according to our state of life.

The Visitation

MEDITATION: Our Lady hastens to the aid of her cousin Elizabeth, who is with child. Think of the times we have spoken sharply to someone in the family or neglected a chance to be kind. Ask Mary for fraternal charity.

The Birth Of Christ

MEDITATION: St. Joseph, anxious for his wife, provides her with shelter. Mary cares for her infant and bathes the crude cave with a mother's love. Jesus, the all powerful God, is obedient to the point of total dependence. Let each of us beg for the grace to imitate this Holy Family.

The Presentation In The Temple

MEDITATION: Although not bound by the old law, Mary submits to the ritual of purifcation. She and Joseph offer the Devine Infant to God. Let us consider the importance of respect for law, both divine and human.

The Finding Of Jesus In The Temple

MEDITATION: Mary's boy shows us that all he does is for the greater glory of His Father in heaven, while teaching in the temple or living in obedience to his parents. Let us beg for the grace to offer all for God, even the most menial tasks.