Wednesdays, Saturdays And Sundays
The Resurrection Of Our Lord
MEDITATION: The very thought of Christ's return from the dead should fill our hearts with hope in God, with faith in all that Jesus taught us, and with love toward Him who gave us himself in the Blessed Sacrament and made it possible for us to have everlasting life.
The Ascension Into Heaven
MEDITATION: Our Lord, having accomplished His mission on earth, returned to heaven and left a little band of apostles to make known His doctrines to all men. Let us ask Mary, whom Christ left wth us to be our Mother and our inspiration, to give us the same apostolic spirit.
The Descent Of The Holy Spirit
MEDITATION: The Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, in baptizing the Church, gave the apostles his seven gifts: wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord. Let us ask our Lady to give us great love and respect for the Church and the fullness of those seven gifts.
The Assumption Of Mary
MEDITATION: Our Lady's body, never the instrument of sin, was not left to the corruption of the grave, but was reunited with her soul in heaven. Let us ask for the grace of a praiseworthy life and that at the end of our pilgrimage, we may merit heaven.
The Coronation Of Mary
MEDITATION: Think of the great joy when all the souls who had preceded Mary were united with their heavenly queen co-redemptrix. Let us ask to deepen the love in each member of our family so that we will one day be reunited together in heaven with Mary.