Tuesdays And Fridays

The Agony In The Garden

MEDITATION: So stricken by the thought that he sweats blood, our Lord subjects his will to that of his Father. How often, when trials afflict us, do we complain to God. Let us Ask for the grace to be completely resigned to His Will.

The Scourging At The Pillar

MEDITATION: Our Lord could have redeemed us with the shedding of but one drop of his blood. Yet he submitted himself to a cruel beating because of his great love for us. Let us beg our Lady to teach us to keep through pure love His commandments, whose way is wide and easy to follow for those who love him.

The Crowning With Thorns

MEDITATION: To teach us the great value of humility, our Lord permitted pagan soldiers to mock their redeemer, to spit on His face, and to place upon His head a crown of thorns. Let us ask for the grace not to make of ourselves seem to be more than we are and to do nothing for selfishness or conceit but in selflessness and humility.

The Carrying Of The Cross

MEDITATION: As we see in our minds our Lord carrying His cross and remember the meetng with His anguished Mother, let us consider that the great sorrow that burdened their hearts was caused by our sins. Let us ask for true contrition and the grace to receive worthily His precious body and blood during our life and that it may serve as a remedy of consolation for our souls.

The Crucifixion And Death

MEDITATION: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." With His prayer from the cross, our Lord gives us the example of his precept, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." Let us strive to remove any ill will we may bear toward others....Let us strive to see Christ in others and among us.